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<date>May 2</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>nd</date></hi><date> 1749</date> it pleased our d<hi rend="superscript"></hi>Lord to take my
tenderly <sic>bloved</sic>  <corr>beloved</corr> Husband to himself in a happy
Manner. I thought <sic>imediately</sic>  <corr>immediately</corr> that now was the time
for me to go to the Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> with my d<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Son & having
obtained leao - I went to <placename>Hhut</placename> in <date>1750</date> & <date>1751</date> I
was receivd into the Cong & the same year became
a Partaker of the holy Com<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>_. The Year <date>1756</date> was a
Year of Mercy & Blessing to me My d<hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="underline">r </hi></hi> Sav<hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="underline">r</hi></hi> gave
me to feel my Sinfulness & Defrravite[?] more than
ever; but he also comforted me abundantly & I found
in true Poverty of Spirit & in the continual Indulgence
of him an estimable Greace he gave me a poor Sinnerheart
& I experience what the blood of his Wounds can effect
upon poor wrethed Sinnern & Since that time I am
frequently blessing & ashamed of my fault & Wants,
but I am not comfortless. In <hi rend="underline"><date>1764</date></hi> I had the pleasur
to be present at the Synod in <placename>Marinborn</placename>, after w<hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="underline">ch</hi></hi>
I came here to <hi rend="underline"><placename>Zeist</placename></hi> to help among the <hi rend="underline">Widows</hi> I accepted
this office with a childlike & comforted heart, tho I
Saovery[?] well that I had not the various Gifts &
Graces reyicilite[?] to such a Chargd but I trust to my
d<hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="underline">r</hi></hi> Sav<hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="underline">r</hi></hi> that he will also in this Respect accompli
sh his Thoughts of Peace over me. From my Infancy
I have experienced & <sic>recived</sic>  <corr>received</corr> nothing but Mercy & faithfulness
at his hand, so w<hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="underline">th</hi></hi> I can never thank him <sic>enouff</sic>  <corr>enough</corr>.
My <sic>Insufficiny</sic>  <corr>Insufficiency</corr> is great; but he is the desire of my
heart & I wish to be useful in his Service and
it is my fixed Intention to live to him & not to
my self & thus he will carry me thrro to the last