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in which he linger'd till <date>May 24<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> 1792</date> when
his happy soul took flight to its Redeemer, what
I felt as this period is past description, but our
Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> Supported me beyond what I cou'd have expected.
<date>August 31<hi rend="superscript">st</hi> 1792</date> I mov'd to <placename>Fulneck</placename> with my dear
Child, where as well as in <placename>Wyke</placename> I have experien'ed
much Sympathetic love and kindness from the B.<hi rend="superscript">rn</hi>
and S.<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> to whom I now wish to return my hearty
thanks for the same, <date>August 22</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>d</date></hi><date> 1794</date> I being 
in a poor State of health, my dear Child was plac'd
in the Girls Oeconomy here, <sic>painfull</sic>  <corr>painful</corr> as it is to me
to think of leaving her entirely, our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> has
enabled me to be resign'd to his will, to leave her
to the <sic>faithfull</sic>  <corr>faithful</corr> care of him and his dear Cong.<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>
and I now wait with longing for the happy moment
when I shall be releas'd from all pain, and see
him face to face, in myself I am very poor, and
destitute of every thing, therefore when I am per-
-mitted to see him, I shall have nothing to plead
but his allsufficient merits. So far her own acc.<hi rend="superscript">t</hi>
Our late S.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> having left such a candid acc.<hi rend="superscript">t</hi> of herself
tis needless to add much thereto, but we can't help
saying a few words of her faithfulness in whatever
has been committed to her as well during the time
She liv'd with the G.Gr in <placename>Wyke</placename>, as also in the short
period of her mar.<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> State, in both which She approv'd
herself as one who had the cause of our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <sic>truely</sic>  <corr>truly</corr>
at heart, and he in a particular manner bless'd her
endeavours, granting her as tho sometime to enjoy
the love and confidence of those with whom She had
to do, She has for a considerable time hear <sic>lickely</sic>  <corr>likely</corr>