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to be frighten'd at myself, thinking how wou'd it be
with me in this unbelieving way, shou'd my Soul be calld
out of this world, this occasion'd me to Sigh to our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>
O that I cou'd but believe, no sooner had this sigh burst
from my heart, but it was as if our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> appear'd
before me in his Corpse's figure, and asur'd me that
it was on my account of my Sins that He had <sic>sufford</sic>  <corr>suffered</corr>
and dy'd and that he had thereby procur'd peace and
<sic>forgivness</sic>  <corr>forgiveness</corr> for me, this was accompanied with such a di
-vine feeling of peace that I shall never forget it. I
had also several other particular visits of grace, all w<hi rend="superscript">ch</hi>
I kept quite to myself, notwithstanding the great love
and kindness I experienc'd from my Labouress, I cou'd
not be prevail'd upon to open my heart, and at such
<sic>opportunitys</sic>  <corr>opportunities</corr> cou'd only give vent to tears, which
made her think I must have something very particular
upon my mind. In my 20<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> year I went to learn the
Tambour work in the <orgname>S</orgname><hi rend="superscript"><orgname>rs</orgname></hi><orgname> House</orgname>, and as I look'd upon
them to be good S<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> it was of us to me, as they were
one day in boundlike conversation among themselves
to find that they also felt such things as I did which
help'd to remove the load under which I had labour'd
so many years, after this I had a desire to move en-
-tirely into the <orgname>S</orgname><hi rend="superscript"><orgname>rs</orgname></hi><orgname> House at </orgname><placename><orgname>London</orgname></placename>, which I however
cou'd not get leave for, but it was made out for me to
go to <placename>Fulneck</placename> into the Choirhouse there, this was a 
great trial for me, hearing so much of the poverty there
besides leaving all my friends and acquaintances, but
our Sav.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> enabled me to resolve to live for him, and
in the place he had appointed, show'd I even have to live
upon bread and water, I accordingly arriv'd in <placename>Fulneck</placename>
<date>March 5</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> 1779</date> and found contrary to my expectation