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Complaint to the Lord Jesus, Looking
upon myself as having no friend in the
whole world but Him to make my
complaint to, And had not his dear [nearest]
come through in those troublesome times,
I continu'd writing to the [Brn.] as often as
opportunity serv'd becasue it was so in
my Heart could I but be under their
care I should be then in my right place,
In the year 46 Mr. Sleele one of the [Brn.] came
to Kingswood and Preach'd ni Connicks [Scool]
House, and in the Evening I [cept] a [Horty]
Band with him conserning the many things
that had happen'd amongst us, But just
after I parted from Him not far from
the place where Our [Chapple] stands
I had such a feeling of our Saviour
Love that I stood still in amaze
and said Dear Saviour how is this that I
feel in my Heart so much Love to these
People and power'd out my whole Heart to
Him in a child like manner and pray'd
that He woul'd keep me in the storm