have any public office in the Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>, being on
-ly desirous to prove myself faithful in little
things, yet confiding in the assistance of my
dear Savior, I ventured to accept of the vocation,
He did not put me to shame; but in the time
consequent upon the 7 years war, when all
necessaries of Life were extravagantly dear,
our family consisting of poor old Mothers, experi
-enced his paternal care in a rich measure.
<emotion>It was a real pleasure to me to serve my
dear Sisters with all my power, and it cost
me much to leave this dear Cong</emotion><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><emotion>n</emotion></hi></hi> being called
in <date>1767</date> unexpectedly to <placename>England</placename> as Choir
Helper of the Widows in <placename>London</placename>. Altho' I
did not understand our Saviors views in
calling me thither, and <emotion>I felt much anxiety
with regard to learning the language</emotion>, and
my unfitness for the office, yet I <sic>recieved</sic> <corr>received</corr>
freedom from our Savior to accept of it,
<emotion>being much comforted by the text of the day</emotion>,
"His work is honorable and glorious, and
his righteousness endureth forever" Ps. 3.3
In <date>Nov</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>r</date></hi><date>.</date> I went to <placename>England</placename> by way of <placename>Holland</placename>
<sic>staid</sic> <corr>stayed</corr> 11 Weeks at <placename>Leist</placename>, where at that time