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feeling of the gracious presence of my eternal
Bridegroom and Husband, which I <sic>experiened</sic>  <corr>experienced</corr>
at that time in a rich measure, & which still 
remains unforgotten by me, and it was my
wish, if <add>it was</add> our Sav<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rs</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> will, that I might re-
-main in this Choir to the end of my days
and he was also pleased to give me an
assurance that my desire should be granted
I soon moved into the Widows house, where
I experienced much undeserved Love from
my dear S<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>.; but I came at the same time
into a new school, where I had to learn
many things with respect to the knowledge 
of myself. It was my fervent wish and
prayer to our Savior, that all his gracious
purposes might be attained with me, & that
he might execute all his thoughts of peace
concerning me in that Choir, into which he
had brought me,<emotion> in making me a </emotion><sic><emotion>truely</emotion></sic><emotion>  </emotion><corr><emotion>truly</emotion></corr><emotion>
happy Widow</emotion>. Some months after I was
commissioned to the Sickwaiter & house Ser-
-vant, of which offices I must say, <emotion>that in
nursing the sick I enjoyed much for my
own heart</emotion>, & by endeavoring to serve my Sis-
-ters where it lay in my power, I gained