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can kindle so tender a love to Christ; nothing is able to
endow us with such steady confidence in him, nothing can
arm us with such cheefulness to leave this world, as the
consideration of Jesus' criss. Nothing so sure an Antidote
against our wil propensities and carnal desires as be hold-
ing a crucified Saviour.
But to effect this the holy Ghost must, himself, explain
to us the Cross of Jesus; if we shall be in a situation to
reap such Benefit from its consideration; and surely there is
no other help for us either in heaven or on Earth but the
Cross of Christ.
Our dear Saviour elected for himself the most painful and des-
picable of all Deaths, a punishment usual at that time.
It was the more ignominious[?], it being no Jewish, but a
Heathenish Death; a punishment inflicted upon Slaves,
or those that were the most abandoned, meanest and worst
among Mankind. They who underwent that punishment
were stripped quite naked, and must hang as a Spectacle in the
sight of all Men. A special Course was also laid upon the
sort of death for it is written "Cursed is every one that hang-
eth upon a tree." Painful also was that manner of Death,
as offenders, or those who endured it, must continue several
hours in the most trouble Anguish, their Arms were
stretched out, which caused dreadful oppression of the heart,
which was in itself a great torment. Besides this, both their
feed and hands were bored through, which of Course must