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cry unto me, I the Lord will hear and will help that Stranger;"
upon which I got Grace to commit myself and all my Concerns
anew into his faithful, though pierced hands, which have
kindly led me again to his dear Congregation in <placename>Fulneck</placename>, which
is very salutary to me. Here I hope to spend my few
remaining Moments in this enjoyment of my Souls best
friend, the Man of Sorrow, who has so graciously conducted
my thorugh all the changes and sicisstudes[?] I have passed
through, even from my earliest Years; thought more conspicu-
ous to me since the Year <date>1740</date> when I first got Grace to sur-
render Soul and Body to him as a just Reward for his bitter
Death and Sufferings. When I reflect on our dear Saviour's
uninterrupted faithfulness and tenderness to me, my eyes
overflow with tears of Gratitude; but they are soon interrupt-
ed by those of Penitence, on account of my Poverty, manifold
weaknesses, deficiencies, Sins of Omission and Commission;
that if our dear Saviour did not comfort me with his sweet
hearness, I should not know what to do. But he is
more than gracious, merciful, and faithful! These consi-
derations often make me part to be translated to those
blessed mansions which he has prepared for me, and to
behold him face to face,
And close embrace upon my knees
The Seals of my Election.
<persname>Martha Nyberg</persname>