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of God arrested me, and <emotion>made me fear,
and tremble exceedingly in his presence.</emotion>
My heart smote me with anguish unutter=
=able and <emotion>I could only cry out in the bitter=
=ness of my soul.</emotion> "Lord have mercy upon
me! and forgive the rebellious thought
and intent of my heart, thy poor erring,
and disobedient chlid." the imaginations of
whose heart are evil, and that continually.
This anxious petition was heard, and the thought
of my heart was pardoned, but <emotion>my pillow was
wetted with many tears,</emotion> before I received an
answer of peace. From this time I was more
than ever convinced that it would indeed be a
fearful thing for me to forsake the path in 
which the Lord had called me to walk; and I
intreated Him to preserve me therein to the end
of my days, whether it was rough, or smooth.
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all
his benefits. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all
that is within me. Bless his holy name." I 
have often been struck with still another peculiar
mercy of the Lord vouchsafed to me at this time,
which I ought to record, to his praise. I had
always been remarkably fond of reading, I may
say immoderately so, because it was burthen=
=some and a snare. During my abode in the
Sisters house, I had often found it so, for ma=
=ny times when engaged at work, I have felt
such an insatiable thirst after knowledge, in=