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the light of thy Holy Spirit to a deeper knowledge
of my sinfulness. Thou wast pleased to create
me anew by thy blessed spirit, & wash away my
sins in the precious blood of thy dear Son. How
shall I thank Thee sufficiently my dearest Lord,
for all the known & unknown instances of thy
loving kindness & tender mercy manifested to-
wards me thy poor unworthy creature!
I can never praise & love thee as thou des
servest of me either in time or in eternity. I
deeply lament over the many provocations
wherewith I have provoked Thee since thou
wast pleased to manifest thyself to me as my
reconciled Father in Christ Jesus. Fainfully
conscious of my many backslidings, I hum
ble myself before Thee & blush in the dust at
thy feet. Many are the protections, deliveran-
ces & mercies which I have expereinced from
Thee during these 22 years of my past life, in-
somuch that when I recount them they ap-
pear to be one continued act of love. O my
dearest Lord & Savior for his first instance
of his unspoken[?]
enable me thro' thy grace to de-
vote my whole future life to Thee who hast done
so much for me. May my heart cleave to & love