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Some particulars relating to my Pilgrimage thro'
the wilderness of this world, to the Heavenly <placename>Jerusalem</placename>.
                                                               <persname>Thomas Moore</persname>
<placename>Fairfield</placename> <date>Sep.</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>r</date></hi><date> 16 1821</date>:
This venerable and beloved servant of Christ
entered into the joy of his Lord<date> Sept. 7 1823</date>

Having often recommended it to show to note
down some particulars of their course through
time, to the praised glory of the grace & unchang
able faithfulness of god our Saviour who loved
us & gave himself unto death for us, it would
be inexcusable in me to neglect it; especially as
at the time of writing this I am in the 72<hi rend="superscript">d</hi> year
of my age, far advanced <add>therefore</add> on my earthly pilgrimage
& in all probability not very far distant from the
mark for the prize of my high calling of God in
Christ Jesus.
All that I can say concerning myself & the un
speakable love & mercy of God my Creator and <add>Redeemer</add> towards
me the poorest of the poor to this present  moment,
feeling as I do that I am not worthy of the least of all
the mercies & of all the truth which the Lord hath
shown unto me his poor <add>unworthy</add> unpredictable servant & may
be comprized in the following verse: