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At length the long wish'd for hour of her happy
dissolution arrived when his sufferings seemed
to have risen to the highest degree.
Some days before, after having once in the mid-
dle of the night prayed most affectingly to our
Savior, she said: now the time of my departure
is at hand, he himself has given me a most
comfortable assurance of it. From that time
her patience under increasing Sufferings was
truly admirable, so that Sometimes I was in_
clined to think she was without any pains,
whilst actually according to her own expression,
life and death were struggling within her.
She wou'd often say: I experience indeed, what
it is to die: God be praised that I have only
the pains and not the fear of death, & that
amidst all this I can rejoice that the end of
my natural life will be the end of all my
misery and the beginning of eternal joy.
The <date>7</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of January (1792)</date> being the day of her
departure, in the morning she took our Servant
by the hand & said: Nanny pray for me, to day
I shall go to our Savior. After dinner she desired
me to stay with her and not to leave her on
any account, and soon after the last conflict
began, tho' not attended with any strong con_
vulsions or disagreeable fits. She had many