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this great and important change, and being con-
vinced, that it was according to the gracious
will of God, I gave my consent to it.
Relative to my course in this Choir I have
thousand reasons to thank our Savior for
having given me such a guide through life,
who under all circumstances and amidst
many failings and infirmities has bor<add>n</add>e me
with great love and patience, & has endeavored
to promot the welfare of my Soul as well
as he could. In the first Year of our marriage
a little Son was born to us, whom our Savior
took to himself when a Year old.
We had to go thro' a variety of difficult cir-
cumstances, partly inseparable from our Ser-
vice and partly occasioned by heavy sick-
nesses; but our Savior has supported us gracious-
ly and never left us without comfort. On
my part I have nothing to boast of, but rather
to be ashamed and to weep tears of contition[?]
at his pierced feet, for having been so little
an honor to Him, in return for what He
has done for and upon me, & for having come
so short of what I ought to have been.
Many a time the Spirit was willing but
the flesh was weak.