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be remember'd by me as a distinguished day
of blessing. I mean the <date>4</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> of May</date>, when it was
50 Years since the single Sisters had made this
first Covenant. When we kept the Lord's Sup-
per at the close of the day, and I renewed that
Covenant with our Savior, which I had made
so often with him, to seek for nothing in the
world, but how I might be His with soul &
body, with an earnest desire, that each drop
of blood might be devoted to Him; I felt the
peace of God in such a manner, that I was
fully assured, He himself had seated this Co-
venant and that nothing should pluck me
from his hands. In this blessed hour I de-
sired to depart and to be with Christ, lest
I should be disturbed again in this happi-
God be praised for all the grace, He has
bestowed upon me while in the single Sisters
Choir. Admidst all my wants & failings,
which bowed me in the dust and made me
appear as a great Sinner before Him, I could
hartily rejoice over my lot of grace, and had
no other wish, than to continue in this course
all my life.
In <date>1786</date> the marriage to my present husband
was proposed to me, and having duly consider'd