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It was now my chief concern, to have a full en_
joyment of the maritorious life, sufferings and
death of our Savior and to apply his merits to
my individual Case.
In process of time I conceived a doubt, whether
I had really experienced the new birth of the heart,
and I would often by weeping and praying ex_
tort, as it were, some ocular demonstration
of it; but our Savior's will was, I shou'd believe,
without seeing. Some time after it happened
at the holy Communion, at the pronouncing
of those Words: This is my body, which is
given for You
, that they entered like a dart
into my Soul, as if somebody said: yes, for
thee, out of love to thee he has given himself
into death. Than it was, that my heart
was melted like wax at the fire, the eyes
run with tears of love and gratitude, yea
I thought, I could lik lie for hours together
at his feet weeping grateful tears. The ma_
jesty and greatness of God our Savior on one
hand and my poverty and unworthiness on 
the other were set before me in such a con_
trast, that I appeared unto myself as the
most insignificant Creature and yet I had
such a full assurance of his having given
himself into death for me, that I was abund_