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in order to render upon her knees cordial tha[?]
to our Savior for all the mercy & faithfulness,
she had experienced from Him & to recommend
her Children unto Him for the last time in
this vale of tears. Soon after she departed hap_
pily as a reconciled Sinner ~
My oldest Sister - S.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Rose</persname> in <placename>Labrador</placename> -
undertook to act mother's part towards me &
my youngest Brother and bestowed much care
& faithfulness upon us, for which may our
Savior reward her abundantly.
At <placename>Whitesentide</placename> in <date>1764</date> my father took me
again to <placename>Herrnhut</placename> on a visit; and being brought
to the Girls' Oeconomy, I entreated S.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Benigna
von Watteville</persname> - now <persname>Bruiningk</persname> - to receive me
now as an Inhabitant into the house, because
my desire was to become a happy Child, and
had often prayed our Savior with tears, to grant
me this favor. She gave me an opportunity,
to address the Brethren of the Directory, just
then met in Conference, telling them my re_
quest in all Simplicity; upon which they took
it immediately into consideration, & to my in_
expressible joy my petition was granted.
<date>June 12<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> 1764</date> I moved into the Girls' Oeconomy,
where I spent the remainder of my Childhood
happy & cheerful and with an abiding blessing
for all the days of my life. There was in general