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[?]erses and times; yea, I left them always with
reluctance, when my parents returned home,
and begged my Father, to let me stay with such
happy Children, who told me so much of our
Savior. He replied: if I would entreat our Savior
for it, he would certainly hear me, which I did
in good earnest. About this time I got the
small pox, and nobody expected I should re_
cover; however, in a short time I was restored.
But having had a small pox in the eye, it
made my eye sore for a whole year, & I was in
great danger of losing it; at length however
it was happily cured. In my 8<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Year my dear
mother being delivered of her 8<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> Child, died in
consequence of it. In her last illness she gave
us still many good admonitions, and on the
last day of her life, having desired her 4 Child_
ren, that were still living, to come to her bed_
side, she entreated every one of us in the most
affecting manner, to surrender our whole heart
to our Savior, and not to forsake him all the
days of our life, to do all we did in his name,
and to bring all our concerns, great & small, in
prayer before Him; thus we all shou'd fare well.
Her happy departure made a deep impression
upon us and upon all, that were present
Weak as she was, she would be helped out of bed,