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After that I spent still 3 years at the University
at <placename>Cambridge</placename>, preaching publicly and in private
houses, both in town & country, of the great [?]
of the power given unto man, by the service of sin
since the fall, and of the only true justification
by faith in the [?]; of the necessity of the
H. Ghost dwelling within us, and the righteousness
grounded upon our [?], & inseparable from
the regeneration by the Holy spirit. All this I col=
lated and painted in 2 volumes, the first of which
was published in <placename>London</placename>, the other in <placename>Bristol</placename>.
As a minister I was constantly attentive, not to
forsake the word of God; and serve [?], but to
dedicate all my time to the study of the word &
to prayer. Being known by name in the country
every where, I now published the following books in
the English language: Christian Holiness; Behold
the Lamb of God.<gap></gap>Only believe, & Christian --
Liberty. All these were published, before I set out
for <placename>Germany</placename>.
<gap></gap>I <sic>travelled</sic>  <corr>traveled</corr> from <placename>England</placename> with a certain german
& some English B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rn</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> & after a Voyage of 3 days ar=
-rived in <placename>Holland</placename>, where I found more B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rn</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> and <sic>staid</sic>  <corr>stayed</corr>
with them several days, then going, partly by water
& partly by land I arrived in <placename>Germany</placename>, where I re-
-mained several years, being occupied partly by 
teaching the English language to several young &
old people, partly by [?] letters & [?]
good old hymns and Verses, & [?] them.