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and being no more able to speak without painful
exertion, he reached out his hand, and bid <sic>farewel</sic>  <corr>farewell</corr>
to every one; with an affectionate smile. At length
came the happy moment, of his final redemption -
which he had waited for with such ardent longing,
and on <date>May 15</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi></hi> his blessed soul was released from
its earthly Tabernacle, in which he had sojourned
84 years, 7 Months and 19 days, having served the
<orgname>Brethren's Unity</orgname> uninterruptedly for an uninterrupted
Series of 60 years. This memory will remain dear 
and blessed to the whole <orgname>B</orgname><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><orgname>rn's</orgname></hi></hi><orgname> Unity</orgname>, to the Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> in
<placename>Fulneck</placename> in particular, and to many who were
blessed by his faithful Ministry.

<gap></gap>Naught can distub t<hi rend="underline">hi</hi>s heir of life
<gap></gap>All grief and care is fled
<gap></gap>To be with Christ was his desire
<gap></gap>A<hi rend="underline">nd he's now perfected.</hi>