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seductive spirit of the world prove a comfort and joy to
this venerable assembly of his Servants, it will then be
likewise a joyful reward to them for all their trouble, and
Labour, which will thereby be rendered more easy and pleasant
to them. I now wait as a poor pardoned and happy sinner
for that blessed moment, when my dear and merciful Saviour
who has done unspeakably much for me, will come and
fetch me to be where he is himself (which word of his
<emotion>made once a very comfortable and blessed impression upon
my mind,</emotion> so that it has occured to me again, continually
with the same sweet impression.) I know of no other pre-
-paration for that momentous and awful change [?]
that he has washed me from my sins in his own blood, and
preserves me in the enjoyment of his grace and the communion
with his own dear Person, till my last breath. O may he gracious
-ly grant it me for his own sake Amen.
   <date>Dec</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>r</date></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><date> 4</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi></hi><date>
Our dear late Brother has given so full an account of him
-self and of his course amongst us, that we have little to add.
During the remaining 3 years of his life, he remained insanably
the mind, praying for, and recommending the Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"><hi rend="superscript"></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> in <placename>Fulneck</placename>
the H. E. Conference the whole Unity with all its divisions, and
heathen Missions, to the guidance and blessing of our dear Lord
<sic>untill</sic>  <corr>until</corr> his very last moments. His public Sermons and his
Discourses to the Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> were anointed, and as they came
from a heart, of which it was very perceptible that it lives
in the enjoyment of that which he recommended to others,
they were blessed to those who heard him. And there never