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blessing and benefit of the Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi>, in the course of my
poor services in the respective Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript">s</hi>, this I could not but ad-
-here closely to, and persue, and I never doubted, but our
Saviour would always stand by me and help me thro', which
he has also faithfully done in his own time and way, for
which<emotion> my heart has oftentimes overflowed with thanksgiv-
ings.</emotion> As to the Idea which I have sometimes heard spoken
of, as tho' there existed a different interest of the Labourers
and the other Brethren and Sisters; <emotion>this I always looked
upon with abhorrence,</emotion> and arising either from a very
weak understanding, or from a selfish or criticizing -
spirit, which deserved no serious attention. My long
stay in <placename>Fulneck</placename> has in various respects been of real
blessing to me. <emotion>At certain times I have felt and seen
more into the depth of my depravity and misery, than
ever before in my whole life,</emotion> which has made my Re-
demption thro' the incarnation and death of my ever bless-
-ed Saviour, unspeakably great and dear to me. Once in
particular I had a time, when I felt such things in my-
self, which I never thought could have been still there,
this filled me for some time <emotion>with such a sense of shame
and distress, that I wept the bitterest tears at the feet of
our Saviour,</emotion> and by poring too much upon my great vileness
and depravity, <emotion>I became for sometime very miserable,</emotion> but
knowing that I had no way left, but turning to my merci-
ful and gracious <add>compassionate</add> Saviour just so as I was, I did so; and
spoke to him to this effect; "Is it possible my d<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi> Lord that
thou can'st bear with me, nay even love such a very poor