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my way to the Synod in <placename>Barby</placename>, in <date>1775</date>, I visited <placename>Copen
-hagen</placename>, where I was first awakened, and became ac-
-quainted with our Saviour and the B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">rn</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi>. <emotion>My heart
was filled with joy, and gratitude,</emotion> at seeing there
such a numerous flock of Children of God, united 
together upon the death of Jesus, besides a great
number have already from time to time gone either
to our Saviour, or to the Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi>. One day as I
passed the Street, I went past the house where, in
the year <date>1739</date>, our Saviour first manifested 
himself, to me, as my dying Redeemer, and melted
and overcome my heart. I stopped and looked
at it <emotion>with tears of gratitude in my eyes,</emotion> and the
grace I had at that time received in that house
was as new to me, as tho' it had been bestowed
upon me that very day; I then went to see my only
Sister on another Island, who was married to
another man, both of them being awakened.
She had always had a very great love for me,
and <emotion>the joy at seeing one another again, after
an absence of 34 years, was great.</emotion> I had 
scarce been half an hour with her, before she
sat down and wept, and when I asked her the
reason of it, <emotion>She said: I weep at the thoughts that
we must part again.</emotion> Having been above a