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not to mention my intention to my Father, as he
would not be able to bear it, and might make use
of violent means to detain me, but to inform him
of it afterwards, which I did by Letter, <emotion>alas to his
very great grief.</emotion> Altho' I make very little of dreams,
in general, yet I think it not amiss to mention one,
which was very remarkable and impressive to me at
the time when I had it, which was when I experienced
in such a blessed manner, the grace of our Saviour in
my heart in the month of <date>May 1739</date>, as mentioned
before, and was got among the Pietists, knowing as
yet nothing at all of the Brethren, and <emotion>being unhappy
in my mind,</emotion> by means of the legal ways I was 
led into by the Pietists. I dreamt one night, that 
I wished to flee away to some safer and better place,
than where I was, but knew not where to go to,
and how to find one. Just then an Angel came to
me, and said, come and follow <hi rend="underline">me</hi>, which I did
very readily, and in great haste, and after having
<sic>travelled</sic>  <corr>traveled</corr> awhile we came to a very stately and large
house, where I perceived we were to pass through <emotion>which
made me very uneasy.</emotion> But the Angel told me, we
must wait a little, for at a certain hour all the in-
habitants would be asleep, and then we might pass
thro' without any molestation, adding that this