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was also willingly complied with. At the end of
the Lovefeast, <emotion>she testified with tears of gratitude,</emotion> the
assurance she had in her heart, of her Salvation in
our bleeding Saviour. On the Morning at 8 <hi rend="superscript">o</hi>Clock the
<sic>maket</sic>  <corr>market</corr>-place in which the Scaffold had been erected for
her execution, was crowded with people, as also the Windows
and battlements of the houses in the square, and great 
numbers of the Pietists had come to observe whether her
faith and cheerfulness would continue to the end. Several 
of us Brethren accompanied the Ordinary of the prison,
and conducted her from the house, which was about
<sic>an</sic>  <corr>a</corr> hundred yards from the Scaffold, singing an excellent
old Lutheran hymn, about the Sufferings of our Saviour.
and she joined in the singing, <emotion>the tears trickling down
her cheeks all the time.</emotion> When we got upon the
Scaffold, the Clerk of the Court read again according
to the Custom, her sentence to her, and when he had
done reading, she turned to us Brethren and said:
"O what a grace is this, that it all atoned for." then
the Ordinary and we Brethren kneeled down around
her, she being in the middle, and with the Ordinary's
consent, I prayed loud to our Saviour and thanked him
for all the grace and blessing he had bestowed upon
this poor sinner, from the <sic>fulness</sic>  <corr>fullness</corr> of his bloody atoning
sacrifice, and commended now her dear bought
Soul into his hands. <emotion>The emotion which was general </emotion>