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<emotion>strong impulse in my heart to go and see her,</emotion>
and went to the room of the Ordinary, who was our
friend, desiring leave to speak with her, but he
assured me it was in vain to desire it, for she 
refused to speak with him or any one else. I
begged of Him to try, and to tell her that somebody
was in His room, who had good news for her. Upon this
he went down, and hearing them both soon after coming
up stairs, I opened a Text in my watchword book, and
found this: "<hi rend="underline">Arise and tell them all I have commanded
thee</hi>" <hi rend="underline">Then nothing will be spoke, but that a Lamb was
slain</hi>! This proved <emotion>like a fire in my soul</emotion>. When she
entered the room, <emotion>horror and despair was painted
in her face.</emotion> She sat down, and I said only these words
to her. "Young Woman!" I am sent to you from our
Lord Jesus Christ, who has shed his blood also for
your sins, with the <sic>offer's</sic>  <corr>offers</corr> of his Grace, and the 
pardon of all your Sins for his blood's sake. I said
no more, but I saw, that she was struck and much
affected, she hid her face with her apron, and
<emotion>cried bitterly</emotion>. I told her to return for the present
to her cell, and to think of what I had said to
her, and on the morrow I would come to see her
again. The next day I went again to the Ordinary,
room, and sent for her, and she came immediately 
When she appeared, we were both amazed to see the
change of her countenance on which now nothing