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my having listened to their doctrine and Maxims, so
opposite to my own experience, had been the occasion of
my being <emotion>no longer so happy in my heart as I had been
before, which grieved me very much;</emotion> I began to ask myself
what made me so happy a year ago? my conscience telling
me that it was the dying love of Jesus, and this precious
atoning blood. I turned to him and prayed to him
with great concern of heart, to restore to me again with
what I had lost, which he did very graciously and drew
very near to my heart, and <emotion>I felt myself so happy in 
him as ever,</emotion> for which I could not thank him enough.
I was now fortified against the insinuations of the [?]
who loved to work upon me as before, and seeing I
did no more admire their principles and religious [?]
<emotion>they grew angry with me,</emotion> and sought no more my 
company, nor I theirs, I was now a second timely
quite alone, and without fellowship with any body
which was a great concern to me, but soon after it
happened, that I heard one of the students relate
that he had been accidentally at a meeting of
some people who were called Herrnhuthers and 
much had been spoken of the sufferings of our
Saviour. This relation struck me to the heart exceeeding
ly and having enquired <hi rend="underline">where</hi> and <hi rend="underline">when</hi> this meeting
was kept, I waited with great impatience for the time,
and then went to the house, but found the door locked.
I knocked and somebody came & opened it, but seeing