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and how he observed their ways, with a view to save
them, and bring them to himself. These words flew like
<sic>lightening</sic>  <corr>lightning</corr> into my soul, and <emotion>a flood of tears gushed out of
my eyes, and it was as if my heart would break.</emotion> The
people that stood around me, looked at me with <sic>surprize</sic>  <corr>surprise</corr>,
but I instantly left the Church, and hastened home, where
<emotion>I continued weeping and lamenting my woeful condition,
and asking for mercy, of which I also felt some refreshing
hopes.</emotion> My companions perceiving this change in me,
attempted to laugh and banter me out of my <add>supposed</add> folly.
but being disappointed they gradually forsook my
company, <emotion>which I was very glad of.</emotion> In this state of
mind, <emotion>between great anxiety and some hopes,</emotion> I re-
-mained about 4 weeks, till one morning when I felt
my condition unbearable to me, I kneeled down and
laid (with broken words and sighs) my very wretched
state of heart before our dear Saviour, and implored him
to have mercy upon me, a miserable sinner, and at
that moment he manifested himself to my heart as
wounded and bleeding to death on the Cross <add>also</add> for me,
and forgave me all my sins, and it was really to me
as tho' I had seen him bodily hanging on the Cross full
of blood and wounds in a dying condition, <emotion>it is im-
-possible for me to describe, what I then felt</emotion> I threw
myself prostrate before him and <emotion>wetted the ground
with my tears of love and gratitude,</emotion> and felt my