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regarding her final acceptance
and eternal safety, but spoke of her
departure with serenity & composure,
& with a full conviction of her
intrest in our Saviours merits &
death. She attended all the meet=
-ings in the Chapel during the Pas=
=sion Week. But on the Friday
preceding her departure, she was
troubled with an obstinate cough
& which was attended with sickness
& a continual inclination to sleep,
however she did not take to her bed
till Tuesday the <date>17</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> April</date>, when she
was seized with a lethargy, which
prevented her from saying much.
She requested her husband on that
day to bless her for her final depar=
-ture, which he did, after <add>having</add> commen
=ded her in a fervent prayer to our
Lord & Savior, beseeching him to
support her in her dying moments
by the feeling of his divine peace
& presence, & to receive her dear
bought soul into his presence above,
thanking him for all the grace &
mercy he had bestowed upon her here
below, & delivering her up into his
faithful hands. She said I shall
go to our Saviour. She continued the