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those <sic>priviledges</sic>  <corr>privileges</corr> in thy dear
Brethrens Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> & which causes
me to prostrate at thy thro' pierced
feet & to bathe them with peni=
=tential tears. _ Oh that thou
wouldst wash all my sins away
thro' thy atoning sacrifice. _
Strip me of every idol, which
may be a hindrance to thy work
of grace. The time is short,
may I not lose on moment,
But improve every opportunity
in making my calling & election
sure. I own it the highest <sic>pri=
=veledge</sic>  <corr>priviliege</corr> here below, to be employed
in thy service, & which I have
been now 25 years. But when
I reflect on my conduct in many
instances, how much self love
there has been entwined in
every action, thou alone knowest
what grief this has caused me at
times, yet how apt have I been
to fill into that dangerous path
again. O that thou, my dearest
Lord & Saviour, wouldst conde[???]