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undone sinner. Thou didst sub=
-mit to that cruel & ignominous death
on the cross, that I might become
an heir of eternal life & salvation.
O grant that My precious blood may
cleanse my polluted soul, from
every spot & stain of sin, and so
draw me by thy grace unto thyself
that I may with new life in my
soul be strong thence to run my
appointed race more pleasing unto
thee. Grant unto me the undwelling
of thy Holy Spirit to guide my steps
aright. Altho' I am now arrived
to 54 years of age, I feel daily
more need of thy divine assis=
-tance, and most humbly intreat
thee to fill my soul with love and
peace, that love which urged thee
to die for my sins. Grant, most
gracious Redeemer & Saviour, that
the remainder of my days, may
be spent in sweet communion
with thee. I feel conscious that
I have not inproved my time as
I might have done, enjoying all