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which have not been intentionally,
yet I know it has been the case re=
=peatedly. Oh, when I look back
on my past life, what need have I
to prostrate in the dust before our
Saviour; no one has more reason
to admire the long suffering & pa=
-tience of my best friend & Saviour.
Oh, that to his praise, each blood=
=drop within me were hallowed
always. I have now to look for=
-ward when this great change will
come. O Lord! grant that I may
be found ready to enter <add>into</add> my Redeem
=ers kingdom. At what time thou
mayest call me hence, give me to
feel daily more of that love
which urged thee to die, to fit and
prepare me for the meanseons[?] of
The following prayer was found
among her manuscripts Dated
<placename>Fairfield</placename> <date>July 1817</date>
O my dear & merciful Saviour,
who hast laid down thy most in=
valuable life, for me a lost and