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for our Saviour, & felt no wish to part
from those who had been entrusted
to my care. In the year <date>1798</date> the
well known rebellion in <placename>Ireland</placename>,
created much disturbance in the
North, but our good Lord protected
us from all danger. When in
<date>April 1800</date> I received my call to
<placename>Dublin</placename>, it caused me no small pain
& perplexity. I had no wish to part
with this dear family, which was
now in a prosperous state, enjoying
mutual love & confidence. Fearing
however that I should grieve our Saviour
if I suffered myself to be influenced and
guided by these feelings, I prayed him to
direct me how to act, & felt that nothing
would relieve my troubled mind and
set it at ease, but to follow his gracious
direction altho it would at the same
time be painful for me & this dear fami=
-ly to part. I therefore accepted my
appointment to <placename>Dublin</placename>, as out of our Sa=
-viours hands, saying not my will, but
thine be done. I served the family in
<placename>Gracefield</placename> 5 1/2 years, & we parted from
each other with feelings of love & regret,
which I cannot describe in words. _