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however apured[?] that He would make
his strength perfect in my weakness,
In reliance upon Him I left <placename>Futherton</placename>
<date>Nov</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>r</date></hi><date> 5 1792</date> & after spending a few 
days in <placename>Bath</placename> & <placename>Bristol</placename> I arrived on
the <date>11</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi> at <placename>Kingswood</placename>. The family
consisted only of nine persons,
the most of whom were Girls. _
This situation proved a new-school
to my heart, as I had never before
been entrusted with the care of a
family. I felt great timidity,
being afraid lest I should spoil any
thing by my perhaps too great zeal
or inattention to the teachings and
<add>lasting</add> of the Holy Spirit. I was often con=
-strained to approach the thro' pierced
feet of my Saviour, as a poor needy
sinner, & to entreat him with fervor
to guide & direct me according to his
mind, & I must own, to his praise &
with bowedness of heart that He did
hear my prayers & helped me thro' in
a remarkable manner, in all those
concerns which had been committed
to my care. He has indeed been
every thing to me, & often filled my
poor heart with the feeling of his