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way for me to come thro' this life, ac=
-cording to His mind. I had at that time
various thoughts & ideas concerning the
Brethrens Congregation, for tho' I had attend=
-ed their meetings I yet knew very
little concerning their constitution,
however I was soon convinced & firmly
believed that this was the people to
whom I should belong. _ Being timo=
-rous & seeing many difficulties in my
way, & not knowing how to proceed,
I begged our Saviour fervently, that if
He thought I should prosper for him
in the Br<hi rend="superscript">ns</hi> Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>, that he would, with
his own hand, lead me to it, but if not,
that he would hedge up my way, &
thus I delivered myself entirely to his
own guidance. _ <date>April 9</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> 1780</date> I obtain=
-ed leave to live in the Single Sisters
House in <placename>Futherton</placename>, [???????????]
which was the palce I wished to re=
-tire in, if but for one year. _ I recei=
-ved this permission as from himself
& thanked him for it with bowedness
of heart. _ On <date>May the 1</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>st</date></hi> I removed
to <placename>Futherton</placename>, altho' I met with much
opposition on the part of my relations
for as none of them belonged to the Breth<hi rend="superscript">ns</hi>
Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi> & were entirely strangers to their