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Thus was I led into a childlike
disposition of heart, and I prayed fer=
=vently to our Saviour to bring me
into that path which leadeth to
eternal life. _ About this time
my dear Mother departed this life
in almost a sudden manner & I
believe she went happily to our
Saviour, since it was her daily
prayer to be prepared for this
important change. This took place
in <date>December 1788</date>. I shall never forget
in what a wonderful manner our
Saviour supported me on this most
trying occasion. I had formerly spent
many anxious hours in thinking that
I could never bear to live in this world,
in case my tenderly beloved Mother
was taken from me, & had often entreat=
=ed the Lord in prayer to take me first
to himself, but as He did not see good
to comply with my petition, He gave
me grace at that juncture, to cast all
my care upon Him, who careth for the
poor & distitute. Being thus situated
by this bereavment, I begged our dear
Saviour to direct my steps & to make a