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Him in this world, which at
times affect me much. However
with increasing years, I began
to have a hankering after the
pleasures of this world altho'
I often felt a remorse of con=
-science when I indulged the
thought of seeking to gratify
this my desire. When I was in
my 17<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> year, my dear Father depart=
=ed this life happily, which was
a severe trial to me, altho' not
equally as painful as if the
Lord had taken my dear Mother,
as she being at that time very
ill, so that her life was despair=
-ed of. This constrained me with
earnestness to beseech & supplicate
the Lord, rather to take me to
himself, than to deprive me of
my dear Mother, who was the
only friend & comfort I had in
this world. He graciously con=
discended to grant my prayer
& restored her to her former health, 
which gave me confidence