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A short memoir of the life of
S<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Ellenor Franeker</persname>, whose maiden-
name was <persname>Sutton</persname>, & who departed this
life at <placename>Malmesbury</placename> in the 64th yr
of her age.

I was born <date>July 14</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date> 1763</date> in the Par=
-rish of <placename>Brinkworth</placename> in the Country
of <placename>Wilts</placename>. - My Parents were mem=
-bers of the <orgname>Church of England</orgname> &
brought up their children in that
persuasion & in a very strict man=
-ner. It was their sincere desire
that all of their children should
imbibe the principles of the Chris-
tian Religion & have the fear of God
implanted in their hearts. _ In my
childrens years I remember to have
had drawings of grace in my soul,
& frequently prayed the Lord to keep
& preserve me for himself & to guard
me from every thing which might 
be hurtful to me. _ My Mother of=
-ten spoke very tenderly of the love
of our Saviour to children & what
pleasure it gave him when he saw
that young people were inclined to follow