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into thy Arms: then she sayed to her sister, now I am satisfied,she was ask'd with what? whereupon she answered with our Saviour, He lets me feel, that he has a tender Heart, and loves me ten times more than I could expect: She say'd , pray, call Sister Dorothy; she thinking then not quick enough,cried out, pray make haste and come soon;The sisters did so , and sung some very agreeable verses for her during which she grew better and rather stronger, after that she remained quite still and said no more but desired the sisters to pray for her, that our Saviour might soon fetch her,which accordingly happened about half an Hour past 11 o'clock in the Morning, on the 11th instant , when her soul took Flight into the Arms of the Bridegroom during the singing of these words: at the End of all her Need be her unction wound so red :while she thy gentle Visage surveys, how glad and bold does she receive the Message and lets her limbs grow cold, pale Lips, kiss her upon the Heart,open Arms take her; during the singing of which words she received the Blessingof the whole Choir by Sister Dorothy and the impression of the last kiss which was given her by the pale Lips, was so agreeable to be seen in her countenance,that it occasioned in the Beholders a Wish to go along with her.