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<hi rend="underline">2</hi>
incapable of joining in their diversions. At about 7 <sic>year's</sic>  <corr>years</corr>
age, when reading in my Bible, I phappily met with that text;
"Thy Maker is thy Husband"; <emotion>comfort then for the first time
broke in upon my </emotion><add><emotion>benighted</emotion></add><emotion> soul</emotion>; I <emotion>with great delight</emotion> run to my d<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>
Mother, saying, "hnow I know who is to be my Husband, &
I never will have any other." But <emotion>my Sorrow soon </emotion><sic><emotion>return's</emotion></sic><emotion>  </emotion><corr><emotion>returns</emotion></corr><emotion>,
fear & horrible dread still overwhelmed me,</emotion> till I was 13 years
old: when I entered into the Spirit of the world. I was not
ranked among Girls, but associated with persons older than
myself, & was greatly caressed by them. I was fond of dancing,
& all the (so-called) innocent amusements of life. This was
my Situation for one year, at the end of which I was seiz'd
<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> strong convictions, by the immediate power of my faithful
Savior, without any human assistance. My beloved eldest
Sister, <persname>Eliz</persname><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><persname>th</persname></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi><persname> Clagett</persname>, was thus also deeply awakened without
any visible instrument, at y<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">e</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> same time, tho' we were a
few miles asunder: upon which She came to visit me,
desiring me to retire with <sic>me</sic>  <corr>her</corr> into the garden. When we
had seated ourselves under a tree, she asked me if I would be
her companion in the pursuit of life eternal? <emotion>we burst into
tears;</emotion> & entered into a covenant & union of Soul, which