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furnace seven times hotter, I would still
trust him. All the Lord's dealings with
me are boundless love & compassion, &
all things are working for my good. What
an ungrateful creature must I be, if I
should <sic>murmer</sic>  <corr>murmur</corr>; oh, <emotion>it grieves me ever
to feel peevish or impatient.</emotion> I now feel
more than ever the meaning of the
precious words: If you do not endure
chastisements, then are you bastards &
not sons. At another time he said: O
how will heaven resound with praises,
when I hear my Saviour say: Come up
hither! yet I would not desire it one
moment sooner than his own time nor
one pain less than he sees fit. My God
hath promised that where He is, there
I shall be also. Why should I not trust
him? Not for any righteousness of
my own, for I have none, & now after
50 years <emotion>seeking find myself viler than
ever:</emotion> but his is a sufficient righteous-
ness: Satan look so Calvary; there is
my ransom; vain are thy accusations;
from the pierced side of Jesus flows a
precious flood of blood for such poor sin-
ners as I am: We might quote many
of his edifying declarations, whereby our
faith was much strengthened, & whereby