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mishes appear to me every where, when I
look back on my past course, & even now I
have nothing to glory in but his cross for
in justice he might still doom me to
perdition. But no! no my soul he can-
not leave, This, this is my consolation.
He then joined in singing the verse:
The Savior's blood & righteousness &c. <emotion>On
the whole he was very fond of singing verses,</emotion>
exalting our Redeemer, & treating of the
joys of eternal life. Once after he
was so much enfeebled that we thought
him almost unable to speak, when he
had been obliged by excessive pain to sit
up for several successive nights, he gave
out for the verse: O what joy awaiteth
me &c. N.988, & sang it most unexpected
by with such a powerful voice, <emotion>that all
present were astonished. His joy in the
Lord was inexpressibly great,</emotion> & his faith so
strong & lively that sometimes it seemed
changed into sight already. However excru-
ciating his bodily sufferings, he always
justified the ways of God with him, &
every paroxysm of pain seemed ever to
rivet him more closely to his Savior.
Let none of my B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript">n</hi> & S<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript">s</hi> said he on one
occasion be offended with my suffering,
it is all right, & tho' my Lord heat the