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this, the only sincere & active Friend we had
left sailed for <placename>England</placename> on account of ill
health, & died on the passage. <emotion>Things wore a
more & more gloomy aspect,</emotion> & some heavy
circumstances bore hard upon my d<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi> Husband's,
which occasioned an inflammatory fever, so
that his recovery was almost despaired of. <emotion>In
this distress</emotion> I heard him one night pour out
his soul before our Lord in [illegible] <emotion>mournful
& plaintive accents</emotion> & was witness, how while
he was yet speaking, he who heareth & an-
swereth prayer stood by him as the God of
all consolation, so powerfully, that my hus-
band told me he almost saw him with his
bodily eyes. <emotion>His distress was at first chased
away; comfort & joy in the Lord broke in up
on him like a river,</emotion> & heart & mouth were
filled with praises. He now ardently longed
to depart & to be with Christ, having only
one motive which made him wish to recover,
which was, that before he departed he might
have the comfort, if agreeable to the Lords
will, to see me in the bosom of a Cong<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">n</hi></hi>
This, adored be our merciful Savior he
has been pleased to grant. My husband got
indeed somewhat better but could not be so
active as before, & the Physician told him
that he was not likely to get well in <placename>Tobago</placename>,
but at the return of the wet season, would
probably have a relapse wherefore he ad-