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affairs, in a <emotion>heavy & dejected state of
mind,</emotion> & sought a place of retirement
I went into the wood at the back of
the Single B<hi rend="superscript">r<hi rend="underline">n</hi>s</hi> garden, & poured out
my soul before the Lord; as I could
not see my way before me, I prayed
him to undertake it for me, & he drew
so inexpressibly near to my heart,
that I was constrained to fall prostrate
on the ground, & <emotion>give vent to my tears.</emotion>
I rose from the spot <emotion>overcome with
gratitude, & with a cheerfully resigned
mind</emotion> committed my way into the
Lord & to this <add>hour</add> am thankful for what
I then experienced. After taking an
affectionate leave of my Brother, whom
I left in <placename>Zeyst</placename>, I set off for <placename>Neudie-
tendorf</placename> & arrived there <date>Jan</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>y</date></hi></hi><date> 8</date><hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript"><date>t</date></hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"><date>h</date></hi><date> 1768</date>.
Here I came into a new school & met
with many unexpected trials & circum-
stances not pleasant to flesh & blood.
My dear Savior only knows <emotion>how many
thousand tears I shed before him,</emotion> &