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<add>me</add> under the care of the B<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript">n</hi> It pleas-
ed our gracious Savior in these
tender years to grant me most pow-
erful drawings of grace, & what I
heard of his life, sufferings & death,
<emotion>made a deep impression on my heart.</emotion>
I took <emotion>particular delight</emotion> in singing
verses treating of these subjects, &
shall never forget <emotion>how happy I was,</emotion>
especially in the Christmas & Passion
season. Then I thought that nothing
should ever draw my heart aside
from the object of its love, a dear
crucified Savior, but alas! what a
poor thing is the human heart, how
easily drawn aside from that which
is good! My innate depravity grow-
ing stronger & stronger, & I not at-
tending to the admonitions of the
Spirit of God, but listening to such
suggestions as led me away from
the path of simplicity, & falling into
bad company, not only my attach-
ment to Jesus was disturbed but