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emphasis: This child shall be the Lord's
with soul & body. The manner in
which she said it, & the feeling
attending it made an indelible
impression on my d<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> Father. In
the earliest part of my infancy I
experienced the kind preservation of
the God of my life. My Mother being
dangerously ill, I was put out to
nurse, where being neglected I became
a most pitiable object; those who saw
me doubted of my recovery, or ex-
pected that I should be a cripple all
the days of my life. Circumstances
being such that I could not be taken
home to my Parents, I was taken to
my Uncle <persname>[?]</persname> where much pa-
rental care & tenderness was bestow-
ed upon me. My d<hi rend="underline"><hi rend="superscript">r</hi></hi><hi rend="superscript"></hi> Parents wishing
to preserve me from the evil of
the world, sent me when I was 5
years of age to <placename>Bedford</placename>, placing