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promised to be a father to the fatherless.
She prayed earnestly that our Savior
would hold his protecting hand over
them in this world, & in a particular
manner for her infant son, that the
The text of the day on which he was born,
might be truly verified in him - which
was - Jesus said of <persname>Nathaniel</persname>: Behold
an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile!
After a good deal of conversation she added,
I have now nothing more on my mind,
but am waiting patiently for our Lords
coming & my only plea is.
There is a Sinner who would fain
Thro the Lambs ramson[?] entrance gain.
She suffered much from a burning
hectic fever, and was at times delirious
but nothing posed her so much as re..
peating on singing some Verses about her
departure to our Savior.
<date>April 6</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi> it was perceptible that her
disolution drew near, and in the same
day in the afternoon at 2 o clock, her