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Him for all his goodness and mercies bestowed
on me, the least deserving of all his crea
tions! The best reason for one like me,
so wretched and so poor
Is from his gifts to draw a plea,
and ask Him still for more.
I had often felt a desire to leave the situa
tion I was placed in - which was a very
gay one - and retire from the noisy busy[??]
crered[?] to the calm and safe retreat of a
far House in a place Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>, where I
thought I could live more according to
my Savior's mind, and not have so many
things to draw me aside from Him, these
thoughts were certainly right; but still I
did not Know what a Self I had to take
with me, and that I was going to a [???]
and blessed school for my heart; for I
had much to learn; In <date>March 1789</date>
I made my desire Known to my laboress
that I should like to live in a S<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>
House, told her I had my choice to live
in a place Cong<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>; accordingly the Elder
Cont<hi rend="superscript">ce</hi> wrote immediately to <placename>Fairfield</placename>
as they wished me very much to leave
the gay Town <placename>Bath</placename>. The answer soon