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The Widow S.<hi rend="superscript">r</hi> <persname>Eliz. Chambers</persname> late Lewis
who departed this life <date>Apr. 6<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> 1802</date> at
<placename>Fulneck</placename> & has left the following Account of herself.

I was born in <placename>Bath</placename> <date>April 27<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> 1765</date> bap-
in the church of <placename>England</placename>. In my
childrens years I constantly <sic>attented</sic>  <corr>attended</corr> the
meetings of the Brethren, which my parents
had no objection to.
I cannot remember that in those years
I had any particular impression of our
Savior in my heart. In my thirteenth
year I was received among the great girls; at
this time I began to reflect seriously on
my eternal happiness, and of the great
importance of living for our dear Savior
in this world who out of love to my
Soul procured my Salvation at no less
price, then the shedding every drop of
his most precious blood, that I 
might be happy here in time, and to all eternity. Many thanks are due