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Covenant with some Awakened, to remain by
the Doctrine of the Merit of Jesus <add>the</add> Blood & Death of
Jesus, & this was the Beginning of the united Flock
in <placename>Stuttgard</placename>, whereto in <date>December</date> came still 7
Brn. After a repeated Visit in the Cong<hi rend="underline">rn</hi>. I obtai-
ned my Dismission from military Services in <date>Apr.
1744</date> & arrived with the Cong<hi rend="underline">rn</hi> in <placename>Herrnhaag</placename> with 
the W. Word: What is accounted foolish by the World
God has chosen & <date>Jan. 7</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. 45</date> I was received into
the Cong<hi rend="underline">rn</hi>. at which the Verse: Happy Cong<hi rend="underline">re</hi>gation
whose Robes the Lambs Blood keeps from all De-
filements & was so impressed on my Mind, that
I always rejoiced as often as it was sung in the Con-
gregation. In 1746 <date>Nov. 13</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. 1746</date> I was admitted to
the H. Com<hi rend="superscript">n</hi>. which proved a particular Strengthening
to my Heart. <date>1749</date> I got a Call to go to <sic>Pensilvania</sic> <corr>Pennsylvania </corr> 
set out in <date>February</date> with a Company of Brn. by
Way of <placename>Holland & England</placename> & <date>May 12</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>.</date> we arrived safe
& well in <placename>New york</placename> & on the <date>21</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>st</date></hi><date>.</date> in <placename>Bethlehem</placename>. My
Course here is known to the Brn. & Srs. therefore
I will conclude. <gap> </gap>Thus far he himself.
     He served in <placename>Bethlehem</placename> by his Mason Trade

[page break]

and in various Services of the <sic>Oeconomy</sic> <corr>Economy</corr> here faith,
ful & usefully. He was particularly a faithful
& edifying Watchman in the Night for many Years,
& in his advanced Age he often testified how blessed
this Service had been for his Heart, what happy Hour
he had often had in Conversation with our Savr. & what
Proofs of his gracious Protection & Preservation
he has experienced in the Night particularly in the
Indian War. He had a good deal of scriptural
Knowledge, & loved to read edifying Books, but
had at the same time a faithful Heart towards our
Savr. & his Cong<hi rend="underline">rn</hi>. & was always full of Faith
& Courage & of a Witness Spirit <date>1749</date> he was married
with his late Wife Sophia <persname>Dorothea Sophia late Num-
berger</persname>, with whom he lived 34 Years in the married
State, & ha in which he had 3 Sons of whom one Son
<persname>Frederic</persname> is here & 2 are in <placename>Wachovia</placename> <date>Sept. 5</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>.  
1783</date> he became Widower & his increasing Age 
Weakness & Sickliness obliged him to live in Quiet,
ness & Rest. On his last Choir Testival this Year
he was obliged to stay in his Room, but <sic>beleived</sic> <corr>believed</corr>, 
that our Savr. would also bless him there. His