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strict. At last we arrived at <placename>Maram</placename><placename> upon the </placename><placename>River Ocke</placename>, where 
we met with more friendly People,who looked upon & loved as par,
ticular good Christians & Children of God, & served as as well as
they could. We felt well among these People, & I believe they will be
counted among those to whom Jesus will say: I was sick and ye
have come to the highest Pitch, for he could not even move his
Tongue, & lay quite speech & senseless. The Creature begun now to
plead with the Creator, & I was quite at a Loss what to think or say, 
when I considered that the Departure of my Husband was so near
at Hand. But then in my greatest Trouble, & when I was at the
Brink of Despair, the loving Heart of Jesus interfered, & set Bounds
to the raging Waves; for our Savior gave Strength to my Husband
that he in some Measure recovered, so that, to my great <sic>Surprize</sic> <corr>Surprise </corr>he 
spoke fully with me about our Course hither to, & particularly about
this Journey, whereas he could not speak one Word before. He said
among the rest: Be not discouraged about these Circumstances; thou
knowest that our Savior already in <date>1738</date> gave Directions, that we
through <placename>Russia</placename> should go to <placename><sic>Assia <corr>Asia</corr></sic></placename>, but the Enemy has thrown some
Obstacles in the Way, so that it was stopt, about which I never could
be satisfied, but now our Savr., with whom I have kept up on un,
interrupted Conexion, amidst my Weaknesses of Soul & Body has
satisfied me about it, by this that the russian Government itself
sends us now thither, so that we however shall see Asia, & sojourn in it.
My great Weakness is a natural Consequence of the great & sudden

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Alteration of my Way of Life hitherto, & belongs to the final Com,
pletion of my Sufferings. And it is a Grace to me, that also in
Sufferings I am made conformable to my best Friend. Our Savior
well certainly restore my Health so that I shall reach the Place of
our Destination. In <placename>Casan</placename> I shall probably go home to our Savior
but <unclear>thote</unclear> wilt go again to the Cong<hi rend="underline">rn</hi>. with thy Child, & with all our
Children enjoy there much Goodness & Mercy from our Savr. We
then pursued our Journey & my Husband recovered more & more,
yet I had to care for & nurse him like a Child. At last <date>Apr 27</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>.</date> 
<date>1769</date> we arrived at <placename>Casan</placename>, having been three times in evident
Danger of our Lives, after we had entered the Borders of <placename>Asia</placename>. 
In <placename>Casan</placename> we found it better, than we expected. The People there
showed much Love & Respect to us, and even the Governor himself
behaved very friendly towards us. I often begged our Savior to
give us at least one Soul, where our Testimony of him might
find Entrance, & it was not a small Satisfaction to us, that
we could brave the Labour of the H. Ghost, with some Russians
and Turks. I wept & prayed much both on the Journey & particu,
larly here in behalf of the Inhabitants of this Country, & I must
own, that when I spoke right confidently with our Savior about it, he
gave me a very gracious Look, & the Assurance into my Heart
that a Light will yet spring up in this Country. <date>Nov. 23</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>rd</date></hi><date>. 1760</date>
<persname>Br. Fritche</persname> departed this Life happily, & on the <date>9</date><hi rend="superscript"><date>th</date></hi><date>. of the following
Month of Dec. </date>my Husband followed him in the 63<hi rend="superscript">rd</hi> Year of his Age, &
entered into the Joy of his Lord, & everlasting Freedom & Peace after
a Captivity of more than 13 Years. I mentioned it directly to the Com,